23 research outputs found

    Beyond accessible mobility: Insights into psychosocial inclusivity dimensions in personal transport

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    The authors and IOS Press. © 2016 The authors and IOS Press.The importance of psychosocial aspects has been gradually recognised in the field of inclusive design. A critical review of existing literature, however, such as design, healthcare, psychology, and sociology, on psychosocial aspects of inclusivity identifies a two-fold research gap which is a limited understanding of both definition and dimensions of psychosocial inclusivity in the field of inclusive design. Such concept of psychosocial inclusivity is an inherently context-dependent and multi-faceted concept. Accordingly, a 'personal mobility' was focused on in this paper as one key context to explore psychosocial inclusivity to facilitate thorough and in-depth study of this concept. In this study, therefore, the interviews with 37 mobility-challenged participants were performed, and then the interview data was analysed by using a coding analyses to identify key psychosocial factors of inclusive design based on participants' lived-experiences

    Mentality Shift in Inclusive Design: From Physical to Psychosocial Inclusion.

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    With the dual demographics of people with disabilities and an aging population, inclusive design has been recognised as a design application for designing products, environments and services. Also psychosocial aspects have been used for increasing quality of life in many fields of studies. However, it is not thoroughly and fully applied yet in the field of inclusive design. It is because, the physical aspects have been mainly focused rather than psychosocial aspects in the existing conventional inclusive design principles and applications. With this limited information of the concept of psychosocial aspects in the field of inclusive design, an initial definitions and frameworks for psychosocial inclusion were identified from literature analysis in this research. This initial definition and framework were then developed through an interview study. Hence, the developed definition and framework for psychosocial inclusion in the field of inclusive design were suggested. Theses definition and framework will be refined and verified through a number of research studies such as field study and Delphi interview study in later stages. The final definition and framework may play a potentially crucial role in the future of inclusive design

    Beyond Accessible Aisles? Psychosocial Inclusivity of Shopping Experience: an ethnographic investigation

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    Purpose: There is currently a limited understanding of psychosocial aspects in inclusive design, although the importance of non-physical inclusion has been recognised. This paper reports a study of older individuals' supermarket shopping experience, designed and conducted to identify any possible psychosocial components in inclusive design. Methods: Empirical investigations; ethnographic interviews (n = 31); creative workshop (n = 19); observations (n = 8), were conducted with participants aged 60 and over to identify key psychosocial components in their supermarket shopping experience. The results from these investigations were analysed using thematic coding analysis methods. Findings: Findings suggest four major dimensions including 'cognitive', 'social', 'emotional', and 'value' factors, define and affect psychosocial inclusivity of older adults' supermarket shopping experience. Each factor is further defined and detailed with a series of sub-themes, and key aspects in regard to each dimension are highlighted

    Design Meets Death. A case of critical discourse and strategic contributions

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    End-of-life is a profound and inevitable part of life, and thus, human condition. It raises significant and critical questions around the meaning, purpose, fairness and quality of life, on multiple individual, inter-personal, and societal levels. Design for end-of-life is an emerging area, gaining visibility and interdisciplinary interest. Current contributions around design and end-of-life are however, limited and disjointed, lacking in critical knowledge base and strategic vision. While valuable, such rush into interventional, operational and incremental contributions, is archetypal of design’s ‘problem-solving’ approach, and would risk obscuring the broader and potentially significant theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions between design and end-of-life. This paper argues the case for adopting a ‘problem framing’, transdisciplinary, systemic approach to this fascinating emerging field. By initiating, for the first time, a theoretically and empirically informed critical discourse between the two fields of design and end-of-life, critical questions, strategic opportunities, and significant contributions between the two fields could be identified and outlined

    Applying Inclusive Design and Digital Storytelling to Facilitate Cultural Tourism: A Review and Initial Framework

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    Informed Consent Statement: EC-KMITL_65_095. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.Copyright © 2023 by the authors.. This article aims to review and identify key challenges and opportunities in the interrelationship between cultural tourism, inclusive design, and digital storytelling fields.. The literature review included searching Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar for three main field keywords, drawing 421 articles between 1990 and 2022. Content analysis was applied to literature findings and five categories with twenty-three themes emerged accordingly: (1) issues in cultural tourism; (2) diversity in museums; (3) inclusive design in museums; (4) motivation in museums; and (5) digital storytelling in museums. The article further discusses the nuanced relationship between these three fields and proposes an initial framework to help future growth of cultural tourism through increasing visitors’ motivation and diversity. As such, the work aims to facilitate cultural tourism as an activity that better reflects the diversity of its potential audiences and proactively addresses their needs, requirements and interests.National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), grant number N42A650227